Infinite Transformation Coaching

Infinite Transformation Coaching

Infinite Transformation Coaching

Continuous Reflection = Continuous Achievement

Is this program right for your?

  • Are you Growth-Oriented: Are you always looking for ways to improve yourself?
  • Are you Goal-Focused: Do you set high standards for yourself and motivated by achievement?
  • Do you Value Long-Term Development: Do you appreciate the importance of continuous learning?

If you said YES to all three questions above then we are excited to work with you!!!

Guaranteed Results:

Leadership Skills

Awareness and Confidence

Strategic Vision

Work-Life Balance

How is Infinite Transformation Coaching different?

We use a coaching model that focuses on the journey and not just the destination. The goal is sustained personal and professional achievement over a long period of time while achieving milestones weekly.

What does the coaching process look like?

Each coaching session follows a highly crafted sequence of phases to maximize your experience. It begins with Reflecting on what was learned, not what was achieved. Then through scientific coaching protocols we take that reflection to build a new Awareness. The last phase is taking your new awareness and creating the Goals to move the needle forward in your personal and professional life. This transformational process repeats as you level up your skills, confidence, and achievement.

How long is the program?

The program continues for as long as it serves you. You will get results from the very first session to the very last. This program is designed as a continuous learning program to give you short term results and long term transformation.

How much is the program and what can I expect after I sign up?

The Infinite Transformation Coaching is a $500.00 a month subscription that begins immediately after you pay your first investment. From the check out page you will be led to a scheduler to book your first paid appointment. These calls can be audio only or with video if you prefer. The program guarantees at least 2 hours per month of coaching that begins with one 60 minute session every other week. You will find your own rhythm that works for you and we are flexible in splitting up those hours to best serve you.

What did I forget to ask that I should also know?

As part of the program, you also get an IMX Leadership Assessment that produces a report that is your personal handbook of why you do what you do, your blind spots, and parts of you that can be emphasized to maximize your growth. This report has a value of $350 but due to our special partnerships we can provide it to you as part of this program.

You should also be warned that you will change. You will begin to see the world different and those who are around you today will begin to notice. You will become unsatisfied with what you have and will seek to fulfill your potential, leaving behind those who are not on your path. This program is the real deal and you should tread lightly before beginning.

How to get started:


Commit to yourself to stop doing it alone and to go faster and further with a coach.


Read the agreement below to understand the expectations of coaching.


Sign up for your guaranteed coaching time for as long as the program serves you.

The Infinite Transformation Coaching Agreement

Description of Coaching:

Coaching is a one-on-one conversation designed around the client’s self-discovery. The coaching method uses a combination of socratic questioning techniques, third party assessment tools, encouragement, feedback, and critical thinking to help the client breakthrough self-limiting beliefs, blind-spots, and other self imposed limitations to achieve personal and professional goals. The coaching is to help the client obtain their personal and professional goals.

The coach referenced in this document is The Coach.

The client referenced in this document is The Client.

Description of Services:

The Keybravo Coaching sessions are bi-monthly 60 minute one-on-one sessions. The coaching uses specific coaching methodology using specific questions to bring about the desired awareness to achieve specific results. 


The coach’s responsibility is to provide content, insight, tools, wisdom, framework, ideas, and feedback. The client’s responsibility is to move from awareness to action and accountability.

Schedule and Feeds:

The coaching program is $500 a month. The client may stop the program at any time.


The coaching relationship is completely confidential. Clients identity and any information about their sessions will never be shared without their written consent.

Limited Liability:

Except as expressly provided in the Agreement, the coach makes no guarantees, representations or warranties of any kind or nature, express or implied with respect to the coaching services negotiated, agreed upon and rendered. In no event shall the coach be liable to the client for any indirect, consequential or special damages.

Hold Harmless:

The coach offers professional coaching services and it is the clients responsibility to take ownership of all their decisions made due to their desires revealed during the coaching sessions. The client’s decisions are theirs and theirs alone. The coach is held harmless to any actions or consequences of those decisions.

Governing Law:

Any dispute arising shall be heard by a court of competent jurisdiction in the Sarby county, Nebraska. Court costs will be the responsibility of each party for their own services.

Agreement of Services:

By scheduling the session, the Client agrees to this agreement.and contracts the services of Keybravo LLC to provide coaching services for the purpose of addressing project objectives, and goals. The coaching relationship is based upon the Client’s agenda and this relationship is most effective when communicated fully. Also, the Client agrees that Keybravo LLC is free from any liability or actions that may be related to any comments or suggestions made by The Coach.

You agree to the terms above by purchasing your monthly subscription below