How the Right Coach Helps You Earn 100X Your Current Income


The average person does not like to be told what to do. The average person does not like change or even the idea of change. The average person is not interested in taking risks or trying new things.

So how can you get past your own resistance and find someone who will help you build a business that works for you? It’s simple: start by finding yourself a coach! And here’s why…

Section 1: Hire a coach to help with strategy and tactics

Section 2: Hire a coach to keep you accountable for goals and commitments

Section 3: Hire a coach when it feels overwhelming or confusing (no shame!)…it will most likely get easier after this step!

Your Coach Knows How To Get The Most Out of You.

Your coach knows you better than you know yourself.

Your coach knows what you are capable of and what is holding you back. They will help you see what they see in you. Your coach will help keep your eyes on the prize because they hold your vision for you whenever you start getting caught in doubt. In addition to this, a good coach knows how to motivate people—they know how to get inside your head and make sure that every day counts towards achieving your goals.

A Coach Gives You Clarity and Vision.

A coach helps you see the big picture and gives you clarity.

They help you see what is important, what’s not, and how all of those things fit together—and more importantly, where they pull against each other.

A coach also gives us a sense of where we can improve. They help us identify our strengths and weaknesses so that we can build upon our strengths while diminishing the impact of our weaknesses. They show us how to achieve our goals by helping us create an action plan that takes into account all these factors.

A Coach Keeps You Accountable.

A coach will keep you accountable.

They’ll call you out when you are not performing. In fact, they want to see the results of all the work you did and not just hear about it from third parties or hear about it years later. They want to see results in real time so that they can help adjust your strategy accordingly and make sure that there are no holes or gaps in your plan.

A coach holds you accountable for your actions and decisions like no one else can because they have a vested interest in seeing you succeed as well! They know what it takes to get there, but they also know how hard some things are because they’ve been there themselves before too! A good coach will challenge their clients by having them set goals that are achievable but also require effort.

A Coach Helps You Get Out Of Your Comfort Zone.

Let’s be honest, most people are very comfortable in their routines and habits. They know what they need to do to continue getting what they have right now. If you are looking for a coach, then you are probably ready to make a change that will require stepping out of your comfort zone and doing things differently.

A coach will help you get out of your comfort zone by helping you understand why it is so hard for most people (including them) to go beyond their own expectations, beliefs, and experiences. Coaches help us see how our beliefs about money or self-limiting thoughts can hold us back from being able to achieve higher levels of success because those beliefs prevent us from making decisions that require more effort or courage than we feel capable of at the moment.

So how does this relate to earning 100x of your current income? If you didn’t have any self-limiting beliefs, weren’t afraid of taking risks, and felt it was your destiny to make as much money as possible to support your family, church, and charity; what could you do? If you believed that you had all the resources you need to live the life you dreamed; what would you do?

A Coach Provides a Sounding Board For Big Decisions.

A coach is the best person to help you think through the implications of a decision. A coach can ask all sorts of great questions, like:

  • What are your options?
  • What do you think each option would look like?
  • What do people who have taken this path say about it?
  • How much time and effort is required for each option? Is that worth it for you? If so, why or why not?
  • What could be some potential long-term effects of each option (for example, if the job takes up too much time now but pays well later, what would happen when you retire)? Is this something that matters to you at this point in your life (or is it just something else to worry about)?

A Coach Helps You Stay Focused on What’s Important.

This is where a coach can be so valuable. You’re busy, and you have a lot of things on your plate. A good coach is someone who will help you stay focused on what’s important, especially when it comes to big decisions and projects.

A good coach helps keep you on track with your goals, even when the going gets tough (which, in business, it often does). A coach knows how important motivation is as well—it’s easy to get off course or lose momentum when working toward something big like earning 100 times what you are currently earning in your business.

Coaching is not something to be done once in a while but rather someone who is a vital part of your team for life.

Coaching is not something to be done once in a while but rather someone who is a vital part of your team for life.

Coaching is not a cure-all or a magic bullet.

Coaching is not something you do when things are going poorly or when you need an immediate fix. It’s more like having an internal GPS system that helps you find your way even when everything seems lost and confused.

When you have this internal GPS system, there’s no use worrying about what could go wrong because it doesn’t matter anymore! You can now focus on what needs doing and how best to achieve your goals with ease, as well as avoid unnecessary stress along the way!


Coaching is the key to your success. If you are able to find a coach who will be with you through thick and thin, they will be able to help you reach your 100x income goals.

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